Of Feather And Bone and Tomb Mold brought their tour to Brooklyn this past Friday night. I was extremely excited for this show, both OF&B and Tomb Mold have released LPs I would rank at the top of the year for me. Pink Mass was a late addition due to a cancellation. They certainly were not your average opening band. They boast a heavy BDSM theme to their performance and music; a striking image to go along with brutal death metal. Skullshitter may have had the most fun of the evening; their brand of grind involved numerous laughs and stage banter between songs. They tore through their songs to set the stage for Tomb Mold who would give way to OF&B. They were a one-two punch of death metal greatness. Where Tomb Mold shredded and brought a bit of a more blistering energy, OF&B crushed the room with a plodding pace shrouded in smoke. Both bands were incredibly brutal and lived up to the hype that they have generated this year.