An extended trip out of town, a couple of missed shows, and a return to a much busier schedule have delayed me some here, but I am always game for a little catch up. July 21st marked a headlining show from Krallice at Brooklyn Bazaar. Doom and Black Metal were the flavors for the evening. All four bands were absolutely awesome. Fórn brought a slow and weighty doom performance. Yellow Eyes played a sort of gut churning, nauseating, hypnotic style of Black Metal. Despite sharing a drummer, Pyrolatrous and Krallice play distinctly different yet wholly satisfying styles of Black Metal. Pyrolatrous smash the audience with a relentless, and attacking style that gallops through their set. Krallice are a technical player's dream; they bring the weight, heft, and the brutality that one would expect, but they do it with supreme musicianship and precision playing. Overall, it was a heck of an evening to send me off onto vacation the next morning.
I will be catching up soon with my two evenings spent seeing Spirit Adrift!